Saturday 5 October 2013


In the context of the marketing mix, promotion represents the various
aspects of marketing communication, that is, the Communication of information about the product with the goal of generating a positive customer response.

Promotion decisions include:

1. Promotional strategy (push, pull, etc)

2. Advertising

3. Personal selling & sales force

4. Sales promotions

5. Public relations & publicity

6. Marketing communications budget

In a business, it's vital to your bottom line that you make good promotion decisions to put the right person in the right role. Some decisions are easy, especially if a succession plan is already in place. However, other promotion choices are difficult when you have several qualified employees from which to choose.

What is firmly believed that our approach to business development and lead generation is unique within the industry. The approach is direct but subtle and is structured in a way that builds an instant rapport. They are then able to deliver information both verbally and in writing, that is easily understood and acted upon, using our unique research based methods. 

From this starting point they are quickly able to qualify a potential opportunity and also research for other potential targets. They never push or rush. They allow the call to run its course, allowing both parties time to listen and to keep a comfortable distance to make considered decisions. In this way, they are able to provide highly qualified meetings with the right contacts at the appropriate time in the buying cycle. 

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