Saturday 5 October 2013

Organizational Buying Behaviour

Organization buying is the decision-making process by which formal organizations establish the need for purchased products and services and identify, evaluate, and choose among alternative brands and suppliers.

Organization buying is the decision-making process by which formal organizations establish the need for purchased products and services and identify, evaluate, and choose among alternative brands and suppliers. (Webster and Wind)

Some of the characteristics of organizational buyers are:

1. Consumer market is a huge market in millions of consumers where organizational buyers are limited in           number for most of the products.
2. The purchases are in large quantities.
3. Close relationships and service are required.
4. Demand is derived from the production and sales of buyers.
5. Demand fluctuations are high as purchases from business buyers magnify fluctuation in demand for their products.
6. The organizational buyers are trained professionals in purchasing.
7. Several persons in organization influence purchase.
8. Lot of buying occurs in direct dealing with manufacturers.

Organizational Buying Situations

Straight rebuy
In this buying situation, only purchasing department is involved. Thet get an information from inventory control department or section to reorder the material or item and they seek quotations from vendors in an approved list.
The "in-suppliers" make efforts to maintain product and service quality. The "out-suppliers" have to make efforts to get their name list in the approved vendors' list and for this purpose they have to offer something new or find out any issues of dissatisfaction with current suppliers and promise to provide better service.

Modified rebuy
In this buying situation, there is a modification to the specifications of the product or specifications related to delivery. Executives apart from the purchasing department are involved in the buying decisions. The company is looking for additional suppliers or is ready to modify the approved vendors list based on the technical capabilities and delivery capabilities.

New task buy
In this situation, the buyer is buying the product for the first time. As the cost of the product or consumption value becomes higher, more number of executives are involved in the process. The stages of awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption will be there for the products of each potential supplier. Only the products which pass all the stages will be on the approved list and price competition will follow subsequently.

Systems buy
Systems buying is a process in which the organization gives a single order to a single organization for supplying a full system. The buying organization knows that no single party is producing all the units in the system. But it wants the system seller to engineer the system, procure the units from various vendors and assemble, fabricate or construct the system.

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